Elena S Blair Mastermind Review | Stephanie George

Stephanie George Photography | Website

What were your pain points prior to joining the ESB Mastermind?

Feeling disorganized and overwhelmed.

What hesitations did you have prior to committing to join the group?

I questioned whether I would see results or be given a strong, step by step action plan.

Now that you are ½ way through the mastermind, what results have you achieved?

Results: Rebuilt my website which I have wanted to do for a LONG time.
Built a relationship with a couple other photographers who I can turn to with questions and to give/offer support.
Feel more connected with other photographers.

What advice would you give to someone who is considering joining the ESB mastermind group?

The best advice I can give is what Elena has said to me herself (paraphrasing), “this is a journey, there is no end point.”
There is something invaluable about feeling connected to a community and growing together. Having weekly meetings keeps you accountable and always focusing on growing. In the past, I would let weeks (even months) go by without putting work into my business and just letting it float along. The mastermind has forced me to think about my business weekly/daily, set goals for myself, and take a look at what is holding me back (personally) in areas I want to see growth.

Building relationships with other photographers who are willing to meet you where you are and fully embrace ‘community over competition’ is something we all deserve, but can be hard to find on our own. Elena creates a welcoming environment where everyone feels comfortable, safe, and valued.

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