As a mother and a photographer, I stand proud for all the Mom’s With Cameras in our industry. Nearly sixteen years ago, I gave birth to my first baby, and at that time, I picked up a camera and started taking photos of him. He was intense (still is), and what fascinated me was not […]

Why being a mom with a camera is actually your super power!

May 22, 2023

Welcome to one of the most positive and active Facebook Communities on the internet. The Elena S Blair Facebook Group is thriving and full of supportive Photographers. One of the driving forces behind this community are the Community Leaders, read about who the Community leaders are and meet this months featured Facebook Group Community Leader.

The Elena S Blair Education Facebook Group Community Leader Feature | Neyssa Lee

May 19, 2023

Alumni of the Elena S Blair Photography Mastermind discuss their experience, after the completion of the 5 month course and photography retreat, on how they have transformed their self mindset and business.

What is the Elena S Blair Photography Mastermind? | Alumni Feature – Nina Ferentinos

May 17, 2023

Pinterest is a visual search engine that can be an excellent marketing tool for photographers to showcase their work and reach a wider audience. Pinterest often gets jumbled in as a social media platform but this is a misconception. It is a search engine much like Google. If you don’t like social media Pinterest is […]

How to get started with Pinterest for your photography business

May 15, 2023

Alumni of the Elena S Blair Photography Mastermind discuss their experience, after the completion of the 5 month course and photography retreat, on how they have transformed their self mindset and business.

What is the Elena S Blair Photography Mastermind? | Alumni Feature – Krista Buresh

May 10, 2023

See the incredible work of the Elena S Blair Education Facebook Community. One of the most positive Facebook photography education communities on the internet.

The Top 10 Images from The Elena S Blair Photography Education Cover Contest | May 2023

May 10, 2023

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Tips, tricks, inspiration, and connection! Come on over! 

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