See the incredible work of the Elena S Blair Education Facebook Community. One of the most positive Facebook photography education communities on the internet.

January 2024 Monthly Facebook Cover Contest Top 10 | Elena S Blair Education

January 8, 2024

See the incredible work of the Elena S Blair Education Facebook Community. One of the most positive Facebook photography education communities on the internet.

The Elena S Blair Monthly Facebook Cover Contest Top 10 | December 2023

December 6, 2023

Alumni of the Elena S Blair Photography Mastermind discuss their experience, after the completion of the 5 month course and photography retreat, on how they have transformed their self mindset and business.

The Elena S Blair Photography Mastermind Alumni Business Feature | Margot McKelvie – Squeaky Dog Studios

November 11, 2023

See the incredible work of the Elena S Blair Education Facebook Community. One of the most positive Facebook photography education communities on the internet.

The Elena S Blair Monthly Facebook Cover Contest Top 10 | November 2023

November 8, 2023

Today I want to dive into a topic that’s often debated in our industry – whether to reveal your pricing on your website or keep it a secret. I know that there are two very polarizing sides to this argument and that the decision you make is based on so many factors. I strongly believe […]

Should you put your pricing and packages on your photography website?

October 13, 2023

Today I want to share a candid look into running a photography business. Spoiler alert: it’s not always rainbows and dream clients, and that’s perfectly okay. My 13-Year Journey has had lots of ups and downs! Let’s get real – running a photography business can be tough. And here’s the truth – that doesn’t mean […]

Running a photography business can be hard and that is okay.

October 10, 2023

as seen in:

Tips, tricks, inspiration, and connection! Come on over! 

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