Over the course of 5 months, photographers who choose to be apart of the Elena S Blair Photography Mastermind will transform their business and themselves. Although every experience is different we have seen so many talented photographers grow in ways that sometimes even surprise themselves. In this blog series we will highlight Alumni who have completed the photography mastermind and allow them to discuss what their personal experience was like. Keep reading to see the thoughts of today’s Alumni, Nina Ferentinos.
What cohort were you a part of? I was apart of Level 1 – Cohort 4.
What your favorite part of the mastermind?
As the overachiever that I am bringing my business to the next level was very important to me. I had so many AHA moments during our weekly meetings and I am happy that I now have the tools to make it all work. I am more of an introvert but having SLACK as another platform to communicate was very helpful. We were discussing problems over SLACK and everyone would chime in. It was really great to be part of this amazing community of women that came together for the same reason. We would be each others cheerleader or critic but for the most part we were friends that are helping each other out!
What are some changes or improvements that you have seen in your business since joining and completing the mastermind?
I worked hard on my website, got the structure right, exchanged images, and had various portfolio shoots to add more material and make it more user-friendly. I became more mature during the Mastermind and can now see the value that I add to my clients’ lives. Memories. I now see all the possibilities that are out there to find clients and how to make them clients for life. Returning clients make me so so happy because it means that they love my work and working with me! I am on the right track!
What are some changes or improvements that you have seen in your habits, lifestyle, confidence, and spirituality that you have seen in yourself since joining and completing the mastermind?
I learned that I love Yoga and that Meditation helps me to focus more on what I want to achieve every single day. I am definitely more organized when it comes to my business because I learned to work smarter and not harder during the course. And I have become more confident that my business can be successful if I follow the steps that Elena has taught us. If they can do it we can too, right?
How would you describe the retreat experience.
The retreat in Palm Springs was a wonderful experience. The people that we knew already for 5 months would be all at the same place although we came in from all over the States. Even though the event was 2 days long I didn’t get to talk to everyone in depth. I loved the yoga morning hour to get my head straight and ready for the day. The guest speakers were fabulous and taught us a lot by just answering all of our questions and letting us be a part at an actual shoot. We got to steal a trick or two. At night we were getting to know each other even better all while eating great food and sipping on a glass of wine. Saying goodbye on Sunday night was the hardest part but I am sure that our paths will cross again. Thank you for a fabulous event, Elena. It was great to be a part of it!
What would you tell someone to help them take the leap and join the Mastermind? What words of encouragement do you think they need?
It took me 2 years to finally commit to the program because my financials were just not there. Yes, it is an investment, but a tax-deductible one. And as we all know, you have to invest in your business in order to grow it. I am always looking into the value that you are getting. The courses on teachable that Elena provides are so much value. Let alone the community, small group teaching, and the retreat. I will carry that forever. My next goal is to attend Level 2, but first I have to crush 2023.
What are you working on right now? What is something that you are excited about in your life and biz?
Right now I am pushing my Fine Art School photography a lot and so far I have 1 big school signed up for 2023/24 which is super exciting because they also want senior pictures, prom pictures, graduation pictures…Not sure yet, how to handle it all but I am not complaining. And just this morning I had 2 PreK schools sign up. There is a lot in the making. My SEO is still a work in progress, but I now have the tools to implement and to push myself to the top. I am so excited to finally see results.
Anything else you want to share?
Investing in myself and my business was a great decision. But running a business is hard work. There were times that I had question myself and the decisions I have made. I still do, but I have made wonderful friendships in this community and we push each other to continue to grow and not give up. My accountability partner Christel is just wonderful and we are very much alike. We already planned to visit each other soon (San Diego-Atlanta).
You can view more work by Nina Ferentinos at her website www.ninaferentinos.com and on social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook.
If you are a photographer who is looking to level up and transform your business and mindset to achieve your goals, you are invited to apply to be in the next Cohort of the Elena S Blair Mastermind. You can join the waitlist to be notified when applications are live and being accepted. Don’t miss this opportunity to create life long community, the business of your dreams and the confidence to be authentically you.

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