Elena S Blair Group Coaching Success Story | Neyssa Lee

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What were your pain points prior to joining the ESB Mastermind?

I did not know what to do next with my business. I knew something had to change, that I wanted to push further without burning out, but just wasn’t sure what was next.

What hesitations did you have prior to committing to join the group?

It’s a lot of money and time commitment. I wasn’t sure if I could pull it off while homeschooling my kids. I have also taken many classes before and didn’t get anything out of them. I didn’t want this to be like that.

Now that you are ½ way through the mastermind, what results have you achieved?

The biggest result is knowing that my main obstacle is my own self getting in my way. I’m working on my mindset and seeing results with that. I have gained a group of women for lifelong business support and friendships. I have also given my first live webinar for a brand, and spoken on their podcast.

What advice would you give to someone who is considering joining the ESB mastermind group?

If you are ready to up level your business, tired of spending time googling things, working things out for yourself, or if you’re looking for a community of support, then this mastermind is for you. Not only is Elena supportive, fully transparent with her business, and honest about the advice she gives you for your business, she becomes your biggest cheerleader. She will not only lead you to water, but she teaches you how to fish (not to be corny). But she cares about the ENTIRE SELF, which is vital when running a business, something I struggled to see before joining this mastermind.

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