How Fine Art School Portraits Turned Me Into a Six Figure Photographer

Here is the thing…

I have only been doing this Photography thing full time for about five and a half years. The first half of the decade I was also working as a registered nurse (and birthing my babies.) 

After my third child was born something had to give. I felt like I had to choose. I literally didn’t have the band with to keep working myself into ground, burning the candle at both ends. 

That year, the year I was pregnant, I launched Fine Art School Portraits and that was when everything changed. 

What are Fine Art School Portraits, you ask?

Well. think of them as an elevated version of the boring School Photos you grew up with. The portraits focus on the child’s personality and the experience is all around more personal. 

But the amazing thing is, they took my business to the next level, pushing me to the six figure mark, and allowed me to leave my safe job as a nurse. 

How you might ask?

Well, first and foremost they eliminated the dreaded “slow season” for me. I do the bulk of my schools in the months of February- April which tends to be very slow for portraits. 

Next, each shoot provides significant income with our average sale being $40 per child. 

And finally, each shoot puts me front and center with my target market, families with young children helping to keep my inquiries steady and my bookings consistent. 

Now you might be thinking… “ I can’t offer this. I don’t have studio lights, a team of employees, or any studio experience.” 

Guess what? I do these with 100% natural light and before three years ago did them entirely on my own without my trusty office assistant to help. 

In short, it can be done!! 

I want your business to thrive and I think Fine Art School Portraits might be the answer. 

I have a TOTALLY FREE on demand class, with instant access, on how to get started on Fine Art School Portraits. I hope you will check it out. Click here to access it now! 

Stop complaining about the slow season. Get out there and make something happen! And to those of you who have already taken the course, reply to this email and let me know how it’s going. I love hearing from you! 



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