You know what starting your own photography business means? It means you are following your dreams. Yup, you heard me right.
So many times I get messages from ladies just like you who tell me that they are afraid. That they feel like a fraud or that they feel they will never make it. It is because following your dreams takes courage. Breaking away from the norm takes guts.
Let me tell you my #1 secret to success.
I believed in myself. You can’t ever, in a trillion years, expect someone to believe in you if you don’t believe in yourself.
Seven years ago when I started this crazy ride that is photography, I never said I was a photographer. I honestly didn’t believe it myself.
And it took years to get the courage to call myself that. A photographer. And it took even more years for me to take the plunge and quit my day job to pursue this crazy dream full time.
Ever hear the phrase fake it till you make it? Well there is some truth to it.
You see, you have to be brave. You have to be bold. And you have to fail. You have to have the guts to say “yes, I am a photographer.” And say it loud.
I mean it, right now, yell “I am a photographer, damn it.” Don’t scare your kids or the lady next to you in line in the grocery store though. 😉
Because here is the truth. I had to travel across the country to a photography conference to learn this. I heard many powerful women and men speak about photography and when I came home I said. “Screw it, I am just going to go for it!”
And I did. I started promoting myself like crazy and calling myself a photographer, an artist at that. And things changed for me. Because I was now attracting attention. I was beckoning it.
Because I FINALLY believed in myself.
This is going to sound like a bad example but it’s true. You know the “cool” kids in school? Who said they were cool? Nobody. They did. They decided that the would carry themselves that way, and BAM, everyone notices them.
So today, believe in yourself. Be brave. Because I am here to tell you it is worth it. I have never been happier in work and life. I make my own schedule, photograph families just how I want to, and get to teach other budding artists how to do the same. It’s amazing.
And you can too! Believe in yourself friend, because I believe in you!
P.S. Since you’re now ready to be a photographer, let’s get you ready to be a business owner! I have a handy quick start guide to starting your photography business. Grab your download by clicking the button below!

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