Welcome to another monthly cover contest!
Per usual, we were thrilled to see the 120+ submissions and how talented the members of The Connection are. Check it out! You can see our top submissions below, and if you’re interested in becoming a member of The Connection for less than a dollar a day, click the button!
Not only does membership to The Connection guarantee immediate access to ALL of my courses (including my brand new class, Art of Lifestyle Photography), but it also grants you access to my education group on Facebook where we you’ll find tons of peer support, these cover contests, and regular Lives and Q&As.
Mariela Sandoval | https://www.facebook.com/marielasandovalph/
Sheena Raypold | https://www.facebook.com/Sheena4321/
Jessica Rockowitz | https://www.facebook.com/JessicaRockowitzPhotography/
Jennifer Young | https://www.facebook.com/jenniferyoungphoto/
Stephanie Dix | https://www.facebook.com/LincolnGapPhoto/
Amanda Jill | https://www.facebook.com/amandajillphoto/
Lynne Kennedy Crouse
Angie Wynne | https://www.facebook.com/angiewynnephotography
Kat Haisten | http://www.kathleenhphotography.com
Mary Basgall | https://www.facebook.com/ZinniaImages

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