My community tells me all the time that the biggest roadblock to content planning is figuring out what to write.
I’ve heard it all:
“I am a terrible writer”
“Why doesn’t anyone engage with my posts?”⠀
“Are people actually reading these, anyway?”
And you know what? These are all valid concerns. But if you find yourself getting hung up on these questions to the point of inaction, I can tell you, you’re overthinking it (been there!).
Zoom out for a minute and forget about the numbers and the strategy and the call to action — these things aren’t what make Instagram so powerful as a platform.
You know what is?
Its potential for giving human beings a window into each other’s existences, and connecting through shared feelings and experiences.
What a gift! ⠀
Let me share an example. Not long ago, I walked into a shoot for a mama who was absolutely stunning. Having just had her second baby, she was running that house like only an experienced mother can. Straightening up while nursing her baby, expertly entertaining her toddler, with a vibrance and grace that was truly mesmerizing. ⠀
When we sat down to take photos, I surrounded her by her family. I asked her to take a deep breath. As she did, I said “look at your beautiful family, Mama. You must be so proud. And so exhausted. Having two babies is HARD.”
Her eyes filled with tears.
Only she knows precisely why that affected her so deeply, but I can venture a guess that it’s because I saw her. Like, really saw her. I told her I did. I held space for her to feel her bursting pride, alongside the same utter exhaustion that even the happiest, most experienced mom goes through when she brings a new baby home.⠀
This is the kind of impact I’m talking about.
When you relate deeply to your readers, you serve them.
A story about one mother touches many mothers. When you make your audience feel seen, when you tug at their heartstrings, you connect with them. They engage with you. It makes them want to read more, and it makes them want to get to know you.
And eventually — not right away, but eventually — it makes them want to work with you. ⠀
So quit worrying about the right time to post or what the industry trend is or how to become one of the most popular photographers in your area. Instead, make an impact through storytelling.
Share your life. Share your heart. That’s where the magic is.

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