What is Lifestyle Newborn Photography?
“The term lifestyle can denote the interests, opinions, behaviors, and behavioral orientations of an individual, group, or culture.” ~Wiki
I have used both the words documentary and lifestyle to define my work, I have also used the words fine art as descriptions of my photography. To me, the words we use to define our work are not as important as the impact our work has on the viewer. However, we do love to use labels and I want to explain Lifestyle to you, specifically Lifestyle Newborn.
Lifestyle Newborn Photography means that the photographer is straying away from posed portraits (think baby in an unnatural position with head in hands) to instead capture deep and meaningful images.
A Lifestyle Newborn Photograph breaks the surface and captures what it’s like to have a newborn baby, not simply what the newborn baby looks like, or rather what the newborn baby looks like while in an unnatural pose.
Lifestyle Newborn Photography allows the photographer to break some rules in order to capture the true essence of the new baby and their family.
While posed newborn photography is often “perfect” with smooth blankets and stiff posing, Lifestyle Newborn Photography is more real and true to life.
The baby does not need to be awake or asleep, the baby is perfect as he or she is. Posing is “baby led.”
The Lifestyle Newborn Photographer does have to know how to guide and direct, and yes, pose. But again, like I mentioned above, the posing is what I like to call “Baby Led,” meaning that the baby is always in safe and natural positions.
Lifestyle Newborn Photography focuses on connection and family dynamics, allowing the photographer to capture this moment in time for the family in a meaningful way.
The great thing about this approach to Newborn Photography is that it is simple and straight forward for both the photographer and the family.
This style usually takes place in the families home with zero props or artificial light. It can be done any time of year and in any home.
In summary, Lifestyle Newborn Photography is a meaningful, natural, and simple way to photograph a Newborn Baby. It is also extremely safe because it avoids poses or props that put the baby at risk for injury.
Want to learn more about Lifestyle Newborn Photography? I have a totally free training offered online, every day. Click the link below to grab a spot in a free webinar about Lifestyle Newborn Photography.

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