Truth be told, I am a completely self taught family and newborn photographer? That being said, there are some essential skills that you need to learn in order to become a professional. In this article I am going to share with you the top three types of education that I think you need to become a photographer!
You need to learn how to use your camera in manual mode!
You do not have complete control of your camera if you aren’t shooting in manual mode. Manual mode allows you to control your aperture, shutter speed, and ISO. When you learn how to use your camera in this way you will be able to create the exact look you desire and do so consistently.
You should become obsessed with light and learn everything you can about it!
If I had to pick one thing to focus on, it would be this!! Light. Light. Light. Pay attention to light at all times…. how the light is coming in your kitchen window, how it falls on your baby in the evening, how it looks on the ocean, overhead lights and shadows. If you feel like something is missing in your work, it is probably a light issue. Especially if you are photographing people. Light can make or break a photograph! It can be used creatively or safely but it must be used intentionally. MASTER LIGHT!
If you are going to photograph newborns or families, you must learn how to pose!
Next up, you have to understand how to pose and direct the subjects that you are capturing. I only photograph people. No landscapes for me. If people aren’t in the photos, I am not interested. Posing has gained a bad rap in our industry because folks want their work to look “candid” or “natural.” So do I. But in order to make your newborns or your families look candid or natural you have to be able to pose, guide, and direct. Luckily if you are looking for help in his department, I am your girl! I have a ton of free posing tips in my free webinars HERE.
You are here for a reason. You have been called to be a photographer. Don’t give up! Keep learning! We are in this together!

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