I love marketing and could talk about it non stop. In fact I do, in my mastermind. Marketing is an in depth subject that has many different approaches and angles. But if I had to tell you ONE marketing tip that has impacted my photography business the most it would be this… I know I […]

This Marketing tip will change your photography business!

April 24, 2023

Alumni of the Elena S Blair Photography Mastermind discuss their experience, after the completion of the 5 month course and photography retreat, on how they have transformed their self mindset and business.

What is it like to be a part of The Elena S Blair Photography Mastermind? – Alumni Feature Jaime Bugbee

April 20, 2023

You can have an all inclusive photography business, meaning that you sell digital files, and still be very profitable.

You can be an all inclusive photographer and still be profitable!

April 17, 2023

Welcome to one of the most positive and active Facebook Communities on the internet. The Elena S Blair Facebook Group is thriving and full of supportive Photographers. One of the driving forces behind this community are the Community Leaders, read about who the Community leaders are and meet this months featured Facebook Group Community Leader.

Community Leader Feature | Lia Jay | The Elena S Blair Education Facebook Group

April 14, 2023

Alumni of the Elena S Blair Photography Mastermind discuss their experience, after the completion of the 5 month course and photography retreat, on how they have transformed their self mindset and business.

Alumni Feature The Elena S Blair Photography Mastermind- Marlo Moody

April 13, 2023

See the incredible work of the Elena S Blair Education Facebook Community. One of the most positive Facebook photography education communities on the internet.

The Elena S Blair Photography Education Facebook Group | Cover Contest Top 10 | April 2023

April 12, 2023

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Tips, tricks, inspiration, and connection! Come on over! 

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