Community Leader Feature | The Elena S Blair Education Facebook Group | MaryBeth Bryant


The Elena S Blair Education Facebook Group is one of the most positive and active Facebook Communities for Lifestyle Photographers on the internet.

Elena S Blair has, over the years, cultivated a community of photographers that wants to uplift and support each other. The true definition of Community Over Competition. Within the Facebook group are group experts known as Community Leaders. Our Community Leaders, in the Facebook community, lead with compassion. These Leaders really help foster positivity within the Facebook group and support community members with their questions as well as, provide valuable information/content on their area of expertise.

We will be highlighting each of our talented Community Leaders each month! Keep reading to see who we are highlighting this month!

Community Leader – MaryBeth Bryant

Today we talk with Community Leader MaryBeth Bryant from Spokane, WA.

What genre(s) do you photograph and how long have you been in business?

I have been in business for 8 years and I am a family and newborn photographer with a focus on families with dogs.

What would you say is your photography super power?

For photography, it’s definitely about including dogs in any session I do. Newborn, family and branding. I fully believe in finding a way to be inclusive all family members. Even the furry ones. I also really enjoy helping other photographers demystify and DIY their SEO. It blends my years in the business world and owning a photography business in a way that I feel like can give back to our amazing community of photographers.

What is your favorite personal development resource and why? Podcast, books, IG accounts? Please share one or two.

I’ve gained a ton of knowledge and support from the ESB community, but beyond this space I’m a big believer in education outside of the photography community, too. I love the podcast by Jay Shetty, “On Purpose” and the book “Building a Story Brand” by Donald Miller. Some of my best business ideas and inspiration have came from seeing other successful businesses outside of our industry.

Who are your favorite photographers?

Yan Palmer and Elena! I think beyond being great photographers they are inspiring humans and that goes a long way in my book.

How do you find the courage to be different?

There is no secret sauce that I’ve found. But I will say finding a community of other photographers that empower you and lift you up makes all the difference. Also, when imposter syndrome creeps up, I lean into serving my clients even more. Even if it’s just one family. It reminds me why I chose photography to serve families and helps me focus on my own journey.

Did you have a tipping point…like when you knew you had “made it?”

No, I haven’t found this point yet to be totally transparent. I think owning a photography business is a journey and just when I think “I’ve made it” I find another way to push the needle further. Not that I don’t think I’m successful, because I own a very successful photography business. But I think we often chase this idea of “Making it” and I’m not sure there is one specific spot but more a journey of constantly evolving as a business owner and photographer. I LOVE the journey and am happy working towards growth and not getting to a specific spot.

What is one piece of advice that you would give to someone who was just starting out?

Align yourself (and your business) with other people that believe in what you do and lift you up. This matters so much.

You can see more from MaryBeth and connect with her on her website and on her IG account.


If you are searching for a positive photography community on the internet to connect and learn from others, The Elena S Blair Education Facebook Group is the place for you. You can join today by clicking the button below. We would love to have you. See you there!

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