The internet is full of very wise souls who tell you not to get so wrapped up in the end goal for your business that you forget to enjoy the journey. Easier said than done, right?
Because for those of us who happen to be goal-oriented humans (who also have a tough time focusing), it’s damn near impossible not to want to just get there already.
Thing is, the messy middle is where a lot of crucial learning happens, so trying to rush through it often results in major setbacks later.
Take editing for example. I was trying to learn how to do it when my straight out of camera images were garbage. But editing isn’t meant to fix your work. Rather, it’s meant to enhance it. I realized I needed to take a step back and focus on the fundamentals of capturing evocative family photos and executing on my creative vision before I mastered editing. Now, I outsource editing to someone I trust, since the business success I was craving came along once I leaned into experiencing all parts of the journey.
Here are a few ways you can lean into appreciating all parts of building your business, even the messy middle.
Don’t go it alone
Building a business, especially one that starts out a one-woman show, can be lonely sometimes, so be sure to cultivate a community around yourself (and, ahem, if you’re reading this, you’re already part of one!). Join photographer meetups, take advantage of Facebook groups, and benefit from the camaraderie of other photographers and small biz owners who are going through the same things you are. Some of the best learning comes from teaching what you know to others, so look for ways to pay it forward and share your knowledge. There’s room for all of us — no other photographer or biz owner has your unique creative vision.
Celebrate small wins
You may be a long way from consistent home runs in your business, but base hits have the power to change a game! Rejoicing in the small victories — like landing your first (or fifth, or tenth) customer, or registering your business name, or finishing that course you’ve been putting off — can help give you a feeling of accomplishment and momentum and put gas in your tank to keep building the business and the life you’ve been dreaming about.
Keep an eager student mentality
There are so many amazing resources out there to help you hone your craft as a photographer and business owner. Take advantage of this time when you may not have a completely full calendar of bookings and devote a few hours each week to working through business development resources or learning a new skill. It just so happens I’ve created one that will help you figure out where you are in your journey and plan for what’s coming up: The Five-Step Roadmap to Becoming a Family Photographer. Consider this a checklist that will help you decide what you should be focusing on before you move on to a new skill. So you can enjoy the journey, while still keeping your eyes on the prize.
Download my free five step road map to help direct you to meeting your Family Photography Business goals!

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