Elena S Blair MasterMind Success Story | Jennifer LaGrange

Jennifer LaGrange

Jennifer LaGrange Photography


What were your pain points prior to joining the ESB mastermind?

Before joining Elena’s Mastermind I was still struggling with whether or not this was going to work. Could I actually GROW a business? Was I actually good enough? Did I actually believe in myself? This isn’t something I needed to do but it was something that I found joy in.

What hesitations did you have prior to committing to join the group?

I’ve been following Elena for years and have always looked up to her. My biggest hesitation was probably the financial aspect but I’m retrospect it was probably the lack of confidence that created barriers for me.

Now that you are 1/2 way thru the mastermind, what results have you achieved?

Photo by: Jennifer LaGrange

Well, at this point I am beyond the halfway point but I can say that this Mastermind has been transformative in every way imaginable. That hesitation that I had from lack of confidence is no longer there. I AM a photographer, I AM good enough and I AM running a SUCCESSFUL business. Sure we learned about business stuff and that was great and amazing and new ideas are always exciting to learn and implement but my personal transformation was one I never would have imagined possible. I learned that it’s okay to take up space. It’s okay to want things and to make them happen and most importantly I learned that I am valuable and I have a gift that I can share with people that will help them. I’ve always been quiet, shy and soft spoken but I have found a confidence through this course that comes with me now, not only in my business but in my life. It’s an amazing feeling to believe in yourself and to know that you are worth it. How does this all translate into my business you ask? Taking control and being confident allowed me to just about triple my sales this year. I’d say that’s physical evidence right there!

Photo by: Jennifer LaGrange

What advice would you give to someone who is considering joining the ESB mastermind group?

Do it. It can be intimidating and scary. Investing in yourself can be so hard, especially when you deal with self doubt. Taking that step though can be the beginning of something you never knew possible. Elena and your mastermind family will be there for you every step of the way to be real, to support you and to cheer you on. You’ve got this! Take a chance on yourself because you are worth it!

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