Elena S Blair Mastermind Success Story | Abbi Longo

Abbi Longo

Abbi Longo Of La Vie Photography


What were your pain points prior to joining the ESB Mastermind?

There were a few areas I needed to improve
– workflow for potential and new clients
– being more intentional with my social media posts
– self confidence and worth as a business owner

What hesitations did you have prior to committing to join the group?

 Since I had taken many of Elena’s courses previously, I was worried that content would overlap. I also wasn’t sure if I was experienced enough to contribute to group discussion.

Now that you are ½ way through the mastermind, what results have you achieved?

Well, thanks to Elena and this amazing group of women, I crushed my first quarter goals and have already drove into my second quarter goals.

My engagement on social media is up, I raised my prices with confidence and starting working on new revenue streams for my business.

This group has exceeded my expectations. Everyone is supportive, encouraging, and kind. The support goes beyond Photography and business but into self worth, love and confidence. Its really a holistic approach for photographers.

What advice would you give to someone who is considering joining the ESB mastermind group?

If you find your stuck in your business and are looking for some motivation – then this group is for you. Your business will benefit, that’s for sure, but it’s much more than that! You will also grow as an individual, develop life long friendships and remember exactly why you fell in love with photography in the first place. Not to mention, Elena is an amazing leader, she is down to earth, supportive and incredibly knowledgeable. I couldn’t recommend this mastermind more!!

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