Elena S Blair Mastermind Success Story | Amanda Ziccarelli

Amanda Ziccarelli Instagram

What were your pain points prior to joining the ESB Mastermind?

Before joining the ESB Mastermind, I was struggling with marketing myself, particularly on social media. I had no idea what to post on Instagram or how to develop a brand that felt authentic to me. I was struggling with imposter syndrome and really wasn’t sure if I could take my business to a level of profitability or sustainability. I felt uncomfortable charging people. Prior to this Mastermind, I spent a lot of time teaching myself how to do photography in order to make sure I had technical knowledge, but I struggled with mindset and believing in myself enough to take it to a business level to be able to do it for other people.

What hesitations did you have prior to committing to join the group?

My biggest hesitation was that I wasn’t sure that I wasn’t far enough along in my business and wasn’t sure what I would be able to bring to the table. I didn’t feel like I had enough experience.

Now that you are ½ way through the mastermind, what results have you achieved?

I have begun to develop a brand that feels like “me” rather than what I think I’m supposed to be doing. I’m starting to market myself more regularly on social media and have seen increased engagement from followers. My mindset has begun to shift and although I’m still working on building a client base, I feel more confident in my ability to run a business.

What advice would you give to someone who is considering joining the ESB mastermind group?

If you’re considering joining, do it! This Mastermind group is far more than just a group about photography. Elena, the guest speakers, and all the group members are all so approachable, encouraging, welcoming, and full of amazing information. It has honestly changed my mindset and the way I view myself and I’m so happy I jumped in. It’s absolutely worth it.

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