For over a decade, the online course Schooled has been the transformative tool that has helped launch, grow, or sustain photography business all around the world. The journey of guiding photographers towards implementing school photography, and subsequently diversifying their income streams, has been one of my proudest accomplishments.
As I celebrate more than 10 years of empowering photographers to expand skills and businesses, I am excited to introduce you to some remarkable students who have not only embraced the techniques taught in the course Schooled but have also gone on to grow their family photography businesses. I am excited to share a few of these inspiring students, each with their unique journey to success that showcases how this course has revolutionized their approach to photography and business.
“I made $1,200 at my first school!!” says Angela Wengrenovich a Dallas, TX area photographer who found Schooled after 2 years of being in business and had not been doing school photography before taking the course. “Last school year was the first year that I started school photography. I made $9,690 last school year from school photography alone!
Students of Schooled join the course at different points of their business. Some are new to their photography business and some are seasoned in their craft. Some want to start their business using school photography and some have an established business and just want to diversify their offer.
“We recently moved to the Dallas area and by adding school photography to my business, my name has gotten out in the community and folks have reached out for me to do family photos and sports photos, which are the other two genres I specialize in.” said Angela.
Niki Jones a photographer from the Baltimore area said “I have definitely seen an increase in the number of family and newborn referrals after implementing school photography!”
Students are drawn to the Schooled course for many reasons. Some want to increase their income and diversify their business and some want to break into a new style of photography. While others want to get right in front of their target market, families with young kids! Schooled has the ability to provide a range of benefits to our students. Some in ways that they didn’t know were possible!
“I loved the style of the photos, and working with young kids is my favorite genre…I was also living overseas where school photos were not being done well and I saw an opportunity to serve my expat community, and capture beautiful photos of my own girls too.” says Rebecca Hunnicutt who made $36,000 in school photography revenue alone last year!
Carol Davis a photographer from the Las Vegas Area said “I wanted to learn more about school photography. I had been following a thread by Elena on Clickin Moms about boutique school photography and was intrigued. I kept notes from that thread and started doing schools. I took her course to fill in the gaps so I would be more organized and have a professional workflow.”
One of the biggest benefits of the Schooled Course is the online Facebook community. The Schooled Facebook Group is extremely active and a positive space for photographers to ask questions and get help from each other. Our students rave about how great it is.
Like Rebecca Hunnicutt said “The online Schooled Facebook Community is AMAZING!!! I’ve never read or observed any negative comments or feedback. Everyone is SO supportive of others, regardless of where they are in their journey. The FB group is my go to place for any ‘school photo’ related questions, hands down!”
And Niki Jones “I love how everyone is so willing to share their experience and feedback in the group!”
If you are looking for a different approach to school photography, to diversify you income or to eliminate slow season for your business it might be time to add school photography to your business.
With Schooled you will learn how to implement school photography completely. From how to find schools to how to deliver print packages and everything in-between, Schooled goes over everything you need to know. And the best part is that you don’t need to invest in any expensive equipment to do it.
Interested in finding out more? Come on over and see if Schooled is for you!!

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