How To Reopen Your Photography Business When Stay At Home Orders Are Lifted

I don’t know about you but this past few months has both gone by fast as lightning and slow as molasses.

What I keep coming back to is how magnificent it is that our entire planet experienced the same thing at once AND that we came together to protect humanity. How beautiful.

And what’s more is that it worked. We flattened the curve.

It has been a trying time for everyone. The uncertainty was suffocating.

As stay at home orders are gradually lifting, it is time to start thinking about reopening your photography business!

I am a systems girl and like to do things efficiently. I am happy to share my current systems on how I plan to reopen with safety always being top of my mind.

I would like to make the disclaimer that I am not a medical professional or up to date with the written laws around this subject. My advice is simply that, advice.

How To Reopen Your Photography Business When Stay At Home Orders Are Lifted

  1. Communication is key now and always in your business. If you don’t have an email list, start one now. This is the most direct way to communicate with your clients, both past and present. This does not have to be complicated, you can start one by simply emailing your current and past clients and asking them to opt in. You can download my Quick Start Email List Guide HERE.

  2. Pay attention to how your specific state plans to reopen and follow those orders. Each Governor has the authority to reopen how they see fit so it is important to stay up to date with your state specific plan. In WA, we have a phase system. In my opinion, when it is safe for nannies to enter the home again, parks are open, and salons are allowed to open up, it is safe for us to start working again. That is phase 2 for WA.

  3. Have a clear and easy system for your clients to re-book. I use a calendar booking system that allows my clients to go in and pick from dates that I have chosen. This streamlines communications and ensures that every session ends up on my calendar. I use Calendly.

  4. Write ONE email and send it to all clients on your calendar to streamline communication.

  5. Safety first! I believe that it is our job as professionals to set the safety president. I plan to wear a disposable mask and disposable gloves to every session. I also plan to minimize touching my clients with the exception of the newborn posing portion of my in home newborn sessions. Wash your hands before and after each session and avoid touching your face.

  6. Encourage all fall bookings to rebook for summer months. There may very well be a second wave of Covid. This ensures that your clients get their photos but also that you get your income.

  7. BE FLEXIBLE. Don’t get frustrated if your state changes it’s plans. If that happens, be the professional and reach out to your clients again with new rescheduling options.

  8. Keep marketing yourself compassionately. Remember, folks will remember who showed up during this time, make sure it’s you they remember.

It’s going to be a busy summer for us Photographers. Never forget the importance of this sacred work we do. Providing memories and art for the humans we work with is a great privilege. Always know your worth and remember the value you bring the the world with your creative gifts.

Check out the covid biz survival page

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