It’s ok to be a mom with a camera

I am absolutely and unapologetically a mom with a camera! ⁠

Nearly sixteen years ago, I gave birth to my first baby, and at that time, I picked up a camera and started taking photos of him. He was intense (still is), and what fascinated me was not that I was able to capture how beautiful he was (still is) but that I was able to capture his intense personality. I became hooked.⁠

My whole life up until that point, I thought I would like to be a stay-at-home mom, but boy was I wrong. Being home with a very intense newborn made me feel isolated and lost. I needed an outlet, and photography became exactly that.⁠

Mom’s with cameras make great photographers and business owners! In fact being a mother makes you the perfect person to own a business. Nobody can get ish done more than a mama! Nobody! ⁠

I am obsessed with my children, but being a stay-at-home mom would never be enough for me, and it’s okay if it’s not enough for you either. It’s okay to want more. Gasp. ⁠

You are so much more than a mother. ⁠

You are sexy, and fun, and serious, and smart, and interesting, and funny, and strong, and innovative, and nurturing, and tender, and creative, and every damn thing you want to be.⁠

Photography unleashed an artist and an entrepreneur that I never knew existed. Photography saved me. ⁠

Taking photos of my baby boy has turned into a multi-faceted mini-empire over the past 16 years. ⁠

I am proud of myself for sticking with it. It makes me so proud that my kids get to see their mama making a living as an artist.⁠

I am here to tell you mama that you should listen to your gut and start that business. I will be here cheering you on!! ⁠

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