Running a photography business can be hard and that is okay.

Today I want to share a candid look into running a photography business. Spoiler alert: it’s not always rainbows and dream clients, and that’s perfectly okay.

My 13-Year Journey has had lots of ups and downs!

Photographer Mentor Elena S Blair

Let’s get real – running a photography business can be tough. And here’s the truth – that doesn’t mean anything is going wrong. There’s this myth circulating that every client should be a dream client, and every photoshoot should be portfolio-worthy. That you should be able to work from a place of rest. This is a toxic message for new photographers as it implies that if thing are hard that something is wrong and that simply isn’t true.

In my 13 years in the biz, I can confidently say that now, running my business feels easy, and most clients are dream clients. But let me tell you, it wasn’t always like this.

The narrative that you should charge thousands upon thousands for each photoshoot so you only do a few shoots a month and barley work is often unrealistic.

The narrative that suggests you should charge a hefty sum, do a few shoots a month, and barely work is often unrealistic, especially in the beginning. Building a successful photography business takes time and effort. Embrace the reality that not every shoot will be amazing and not every client will fit the dream mold. While I do want you to know that you can be extremely profitable it often takes some time to build to that point and that is okay.

Challenges are Information, Not Failures

When things get tough, it doesn’t mean you’re failing. Challenges are simply information – cues for improvement. Buying into the story that it should always feel easy creates unnecessary limitations. To reach a place of alignment and ease, you have to put in the work.

Learning from Setbacks

I firmly believe that setbacks are opportunities to learn and do better. You can’t rush your come up. Becoming a skilled photographer and a savvy business owner takes time and effort. It’s not about subscribing to hustle culture; it’s about acknowledging that sometimes things go wrong, and sometimes, it’s just plain hard.

You Can’t Rush Your Come Up: Keep Going!

In a world that bombards us with constant personal development mantras, it’s easy to forget that sometimes, things just go wrong, and that’s okay. You might face challenges, work long hours in the building phase – it’s normal. But it doesn’t mean it’s not working, and it certainly doesn’t mean you should throw in the towel.

Keep Going. Keep Budding. Keep Learning. You Got This!

So, to all the passionate photographers out there, remember – keep going, keep budding, keep learning. Challenges are part of the journey, not roadblocks. It’s a process, and your hard work will pay off. You’ve got this! ✨

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