Elena S Blair
Lack of confidence is probably one of the biggest problems for photographers of all levels. Social media makes it especially hard to gain confidence as we quickly fall into the comparison trap. There is a lot of talent out there. Here me. The very fact that you are reading this article means that you need […]
As photographers, we kinda have a leg up over a lot of other entrepreneurs who market online. Because, while they might need to spend some time determining which social media platforms to invest their energy (and eventually, their ad spend) into — for us, it’s a no-brainer. For an industry as visual as ours, it’s […]
Sign Up For Photographers Guide To Compassionate Marketing Mini Class We are all experiencing this global crisis together. Even those who are fortunate are stressed and afraid. That being said, this crisis is particularly hard on the small businesses and entrepreneurs of the world, particularly photographers and those who’s jobs can’t be done at home. […]
One of the biggest benefits of adding Fine Art School Portraits to your wheelhouse is being able to create income during the slow periods. Grab the FREE Fine Art School Portrait Guide now For us family photographers, that slow period starts during the winter months and usually extends through Spring, and it can be brutal. […]
***Updated as of 3/17/20 **The advice in this article is simply advice. It is not medical advice or backed by any scientific research. *** At this time, I would suspend shoots until we have flattened the curve. Hopefully in a few months we can start using these guidelines again but for now I believe self […]
As a creative entrepreneur it is crucial that we work on personal development. Time is our most valuable currency. So it is crucial that you re using your time wisely. Netflix and chill is fine once and a while as long as you are also spending adequate time on personal development. I have committed myself […]
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