One of the biggest benefits of adding Fine Art School Portraits to your wheelhouse is being able to create income during the slow periods.
For us family photographers, that slow period starts during the winter months and usually extends through Spring, and it can be brutal.
I reached out to photographers who have completed my online course, Schooled: A Complete Guide to Fine Art School Photography, to see how this course has impacted their businesses. Today’s post features Karen Lee, a lifestyle photographer in Alberta, Canada who learned how to incorporate fine art school photography into her business in 2018 after taking Schooled.
After finding out about Schooled through Instagram, Karen knew that taking authentic school portraits was something she could do, and it was “something that would set [herself] apart from the lifestyle market.” She’s got that right!
“This course gave me the means to pursue photography in a profitable way while at the same time being true to myself and be creative. It is challenging to make beautiful art in the matter of minutes but it is also so fulfilling to be able to share my work and skills with families who would not normally consider photography for their family. It is hard work to get school contracts but once that has been secured, it is so rewarding and empowering!”
This course provided Karen ALL the tools she needs to implement high volume school photography, and more importantly, it gave her “the confidence to go out and pursue this.”
Before taking Schooled, Karen “wasn’t making much through lifestyle photography.” Now she has FIVE schools on contract, brings in over $3,000 per school, and she’s widened her exposure to families who will hire her for lifestyle portraits! It’s a win-win.
Check out some of Karen’s work below, and you can find more at her website and her Instagram.
Are you ready to increase your income and say goodbye to the dreaded slow period?
Start by checking out my totally free webinar, Intro to Fine Art School Photography, today!

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