If you are at all familiar with my newborn work you know that it is completely “Lifestyle.” Now the words we use to define our work aren’t really important. What is truly important is the feeling behind our work. My newborn work is family and baby centered. I don’t pose my newborns on a beanbag […]

Stop doing what you “should” do and do what feels right

May 23, 2019

One of my favorite things to do when posing newborns is to use the parents’ hands. Now I use the word “pose” loosely as I do very minimal, newborn led posing. But I do like to get some shots of the baby alone on the bed, awake or asleep, if the baby is okay with […]

My number one trick for “posing” newborns

May 21, 2019

as seen in:

Tips, tricks, inspiration, and connection! Come on over! 

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