When I attended my first conference I walked the showroom floor and thought I would never be able to “afford” to be a newborn photographer.⁠⁠So many booths selling VERY EXPENSIVE artificial lighting. ⁠⁠So many booths selling a TON OF EXPENSIVE props and little outfits for newborns to wear.⁠⁠So many booths selling very EXPENSIVE albums, canvas, […]

Newborn Lifestyle Photography Without Artificial Light | Newborn Photography Tips

July 30, 2020

***Updated as of 3/17/20 **The advice in this article is simply advice. It is not medical advice or backed by any scientific research. *** At this time, I would suspend shoots until we have flattened the curve. Hopefully in a few months we can start using these guidelines again but for now I believe self […]

What Photographers Need To Know About The Coronavirus COVID 19

March 6, 2020

What is Lifestyle Newborn Photography? “The term lifestyle can denote the interests, opinions, behaviors, and behavioral orientations of an individual, group, or culture.” ~Wiki I have used both the words documentary and lifestyle to define my work, I have also used the words fine art as descriptions of my photography. To me, the words we […]

What Does Lifestyle Newborn Photography Mean? | Newborn Photography Workshops Elena S Blair

February 7, 2020

The journey of an artist is a long one. There was a time when I brought a newborn posing bag, a stock pile of props and hats, and a space heater to my newborn shoots. It took a lot of trial and error, self discovery, and facing my fears to realize that I didn’t enjoy […]

Four reasons why I don’t do traditional newborn posing

May 23, 2019

The term “Lifestyle” I wanted to talk a little bit about the term “Lifestyle” since it is one that is quite often thrown around in our industry and it is what people of use to describe my work. The words we use to describe our work matter very little in my mind. What matters is […]

What does the term “lifestyle” even mean?!

May 23, 2019

Hey there, friend! I hope you are enjoying your summer. I wanted to talk to you about something very important and that is your portfolio. There are two main things I want you to focus on when you are preparing your online portfolio. Your portfolio should be a place where you: 1. Show your best […]

How to attract high quality clients with a high quality portfolio

May 23, 2019

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