I asked my IG community where they most needed help during family sessions and one thing I heard over and over again is “how do you work with cranky dads?” Or “How do you get the dads to relax during the session?”  Well my friends, I got you covered. I can honestly say that I […]

Three easy ways to help dads relax during a family session

May 21, 2019

Do you ever feel guilty because you don’t have your camera strapped to you constantly?  Release the pressure you put on yourself to shoot every day.  Social media makes it seem like everyone has their camera attached to their hip and that they are taking gorgeous photos of their gorgeous kids in gorgeous outfits in […]

Do you ever feel pressured to take photos every single day?

May 21, 2019

Are you sick of families who have been trained to look right smack at your lens with the cheesiest grin you have ever seen? Me too.  But here is the thing… my clients rarely do that anymore and I am going to share with you my secret. It’s because I have educated them BEFORE they ever […]

How to get your clients to stop looking at the camera

May 21, 2019

as seen in:

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