The Cover Contest top 10 for May 2024 | The Elena S Blair Education Facebook Group

The ESB Education Group is a Photographer’s Online Community which is one of, if not the most, positive Facebook Groups for Photographers out there. What happens each month is at the beginning of a new month we call upon the Elena S Blair Photography Education Community to submit 1 photo to the Monthly Cover Contest. Members from the Facebook Group Community then like as many images as they choose and whoever has the most likes at the end of the week gets their image featured as the Facebook Group cover photo for that month. Then we take the top 10 and feature them here!

Congratulations to Lauren Wright for being the Winner of the Elena S Blair Education Facebook Group May 2024 Cover Contest.

Way to go Lauren!

Lauren Wright - May 2024 Cover Contest Winner of the Elena S Blair Education Facebook Group.
Lauren’s winning photo.

Lauren is a photographer from Longmont, Colorado. You can see more of her work on her IG! Let’s get to know Lauren a little better with her Facebook Group Cover Contest winner’s feature!

What is your favorite thing about The Elena S Blair Education Facebook Community?

The endless learning opportunities, support and new friendships!

If you could tell the version of you from five years ago one thing, what would it be?

Keep going no matter what. Changes in all areas of business and life are inevitable, be able to adjust accordingly.

What is your favorite lens and why?

Hard to decide between my Nikon 50mm and my Sigma Art 35mm, can I say favorite 2? hahaha. I love to use both because of the different perspectives they allow me have and the effects that happen when I shoot a certain way with them. When I use my 50mm, I could be the mom that is snuggling her partner and looking at her baby in their arms – even though I have to have a little distance when using it. Then with my 35mm, I could be anyone that close enough to observe certain details in a wider scene (more pulled back). I also love how the 35mm focuses on certain areas and then there is just the littlest bit distortion in the background, along the edges or side of the frame that can happen when I shoot wide open.

This photographers online community has so much talent and are so incredibly positive and encouraging! Check out the rest of this months top 10!

Here is the rest of the top 10!

Online Photography Education for Family and newborn Photographers - Portraits by Dawndra.
Portraits by Dawndra
Jenifer Blanco top ten in the cover contest for The Elena S Blair Education Facebook Group Cover Contest.
Jenifer Blanco Monzón – Website
Melody MacDonald - The Elena S Blair Education Cover Contest
Melody MacDonald
Christina Chacharon - Newborn Portrait. Top Ten in the Elena S Blair Education Cover Contest.
Christina Chacharon – Website
Brooke Holliday - Motherhood Portrait. The top ten best of the May 2024 Cover contest for the Elena S Blair Education Facebook Group.
Brooke Holliday – Website
Casey Thornton of photos by Casey Louise makes it in the top ten of the Cover Contest for the Elena S Blair Facebook Group.
Casey Thornton – Website
Amy Mehlos - Top Ten in the May 2024 Elena S Blair Education Cover Contest.
Amy Mehlos – Website
Linda Charbonneau in the top ten for the Elena S Blair Education Cover Contest exclusively on Facebook.
Linda Charbonneau – Website
Liz Putnam - Top ten in the Online Facebook Community Cover Contest for Elena S Blair Education.
Liz Putnam – Website

If you resonate with Lifestyle Photography and would like to be apart of a very active and positive Photographer’s Online Community we invite you to come join the Elena S Blair Education Facebook Group.

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