Over the course of 5 months, photographers who choose to be apart of the Elena S Blair Photography Mastermind will transform their business and themselves. Although every experience is different we have seen so many talented photographers grow in ways that sometimes even surprise themselves. In this blog series we will highlight Alumni who have completed the photography mastermind and allow them to discuss what their personal experience was like. Keep reading to see the thoughts of today’s Alumni, Amy Marie.
What cohort were you a part of? I was apart of Level 1 – Cohort 4.
Amy Marie
What your favorite part of the mastermind?
Mastermind was life changing. That might seem a bit dramatic, but it is TRUTH. My business doubled over the fall booking season due to the consistent work during the mastermind session. The weekly meetings, while a difficult time for me due to my regular J-O-B, kept me focused and on task. I never wanted to disappoint myself or the team when giving input. The financial piece was a bit of a struggle at first, but once I started implementing the program, I was able to pay the monthly amount with business funds.
What are some changes or improvements that you have seen in your business since joining and completing the mastermind?
My fall bookings doubled!! this was HUGE for us financially. I implemented the calendar openings and have already gotten many booking for the 2023 seasons.
What are some changes or improvements that you have seen in your habits, lifestyle, confidence, and spirituality that you have seen in yourself since joining and completing the mastermind?
I specifically set times to work different parts of my business throughout the week. Since i am not quite able to quit my Full time gig, this allows me to be focused on specific tasks daily to keep moving forward. I also have been delegating more things to my partner and our daughter. This has freed me up to work on the creative side of the biz and our daughter gets to make some money!!
How would you describe the retreat experience.
Retreat was incredible. being around all the amazingly smart, talented WOMEN made me feel nervous at first, but in the end i was even more motivated and grateful to be part of a cohort of women who really believe the “community over competition” spirit. Together we shared our thoughts, fears, joys, failures and accomplishments. Starting the day with yoga and meditation brought me into a more centered and present state of mind while also making me realize how much I miss a daily practice. (I have begun to include it, again, in my life.) The classes expounded on the lessons through the whole mastermind course and the practice shooting both model families and each other’s headshots allowed us time to hone our craft and practice some new things. In the evening coming together over dinner to fellowship created new and lasting friendships and I can’t believe how amazingly Elena gathered all of us together to fit together like a puzzle. Each of us unique in our style and personalities, but each together creating a beautiful tapestry of strong, like-minded, courageous women. I truly cannot wait until the next retreat!
What would you tell someone to help them take the leap and join the Mastermind? What words of encouragement do you think they need?
Take the leap. I made the first installment payment on my personal credit card because my biz account was … well let’s just say, I think there were a few tumbleweeds blowing thru… But I was able to put into practice every week the lessons of the week. My fall bookings doubled in 2022 and I was able to not only pay the biz bills, but also my self back and each monthly payment with money i was earning from PHOTOGRAPHY!!!
What are you working on right now? What is something that you are excited about in your life and biz?
Right now, I am working to grow my boudoir business. I have deeply fallen in love with boudoir and I can’t wait to see where this is going to lead. At the same time I am increasing my senior portrait photography and have implemented a new Senior Rep program that I am excited about for the 2024 senior class. 🙂
You can view more work by Amy Marie at her website www.amrphotokc.com and on social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook.
If you are a photographer who is looking to level up and transform your business and mindset to achieve your goals, you are invited to apply to be in the next Cohort of the Elena S Blair Mastermind. You can join the waitlist to be notified when applications are live and being accepted. Don’t miss this opportunity to create life long community, the business of your dreams and the confidence to be authentically you.

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