Photography Mastermind Alumni Feature – Chelsea West

Over the course of 5 months, photographers who choose to be apart of the Elena S Blair Photography Mastermind will transform their business and themselves. Although every experience is different we have seen so many talented photographers grow in ways that sometimes even surprise themselves. In this blog series we will highlight Alumni who have completed the photography mastermind and allow them to discuss what their personal experience was like. Keep reading to see the thoughts of today’s Alumni, Chelsea West.

What cohort were you a part of? I was apart of Level 1 – Cohort 4.

Chelsea West an Alumni of the Elena S Blair Mastermind Cohort 4

Chelsea West

What your favorite part of the mastermind?

I have many favorites when I comes to my experience with this mastermind. For starters, the community that is created within this group is unmatched to any other I have been in before. These relationships are not only wonderful to have for my business but these ladies are my actual friends now. It’s been wonderful to have such a support system, not only within my business but my life as well. I also loved the actual classes. Elena is a wealth of knowledge and has an understanding for what her students needs. Her presentations as well as the guest speakers presentations helped me grow by leaps and bounds. Finally, I loved the self-growth. So many of the things that I visualized in the early stages of the class have started to happened. I couldn’t have made it here if I hadn’t started there.

What are some changes or improvements that you have seen in your business since joining and completing the mastermind?

Since June, I have implemented several systems into my business that have helped me streamline my pre session process. My calendar has filled up faster than it ever has and the secondary business, writing blogs, I started to fill my slow months is almost as busy as my photography! Most importantly, I’m getting my time back. That is the most significant change!

What are some changes or improvements that you have seen in your habits, lifestyle, confidence, and spirituality that you have seen in yourself since joining and completing the mastermind?

The self-growth has been phenomenal. In one of our earlier classes we listened to a mediation about going through our day and making each step sacred. Using intention to make our daily actions sacred; sleep, create, eat, move. Moving with intention. I move with intention now and I make what I am doing sacred. I have slowed down and am no longer trying to juggle 7 things at once. My time to create is sacred. My phone is out of reach, those in my life know not step in, and I have a sacred space to be with my art. With each thing I do during the day, I work to make sacred and to do with intent. That meditation rocked my world and I have grown so much from that simple practice and the many other guides meditations we worked through.


How would you describe the retreat experience.

I was very hesitant to come to the retreat. I was worried I wouldn’t be enough as a photographer, as a friend, as a student. I had many concerns and was very hesitant. When I landed and saw the members of my pod that were all meeting there, every concerned melted away. These were my people and I would get to spend the next several days being a sponge to all the amazingness around me. I saw the creative process of so many wonderful humans and learned how they communicate and walk through their sessions. I listened to speakers share their passions. I laughed. I laughed harder than I have laughed in a long time. Finally, I was able to sit in the presence of so many women and feel supported in the hopes and dreams that I’ve been cultivating for months.

What would you tell someone to help them take the leap and join the Mastermind? What words of encouragement do you think they need?

You have it. You have the money, you have the time, you have the capabilities. Not wanting to spend it, or waste, or ignore it are blocks that are not only preventing your business from growing but are preventing you from the self-growth that you have been looking for. I encourage you to create the space for this mastermind. Create the space for the change you are seeking and allow the growth to happen. You are worth it.

What are you working on right now? What is something that you are excited about in your life and biz? 

I have started to write blogs for photographers who don’t love to write for themselves. I have started to write for several photographers in our cohort and a few local business as well. I didn’t realize how big of a passion this was and I am so excited to be able to tap into it!

You can view more work by Chelsea West at her website and on social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook.

If you are a photographer who is looking to level up and transform your business and mindset to achieve your goals, you are invited to apply to be in the next Cohort of the Elena S Blair Mastermind. You can join the waitlist to be notified when applications are live and being accepted. Don’t miss this opportunity to create life long community, the business of your dreams and the confidence to be authentically you.

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