What is the Elena S Blair Photography Mastermind? | Alumni Feature – Krista Buresh

Over the course of 5 months, photographers who choose to be apart of the Elena S Blair Photography Mastermind will transform their business and themselves. Although every experience is different we have seen so many talented photographers grow in ways that sometimes even surprise themselves. In this blog series we will highlight Alumni who have completed the photography mastermind and allow them to discuss what their personal experience was like. Keep reading to see the thoughts of today’s Alumni, Krista Buresh.

What cohort were you a part of? I was apart of Level 1 – Cohort 4.

Krista Buresh

What your favorite part of the mastermind?

When I was considering joining Elena’s mastermind, I was needing the business coaching but my heart was really searching for a like minded group of photographers who were willing to walk beside me. Let me tell you, I got WAY more than I imagined! From our first meeting I felt an immediate alignment with the entire group. All of these women were genuine, completely themselves, and so passionate about each other’s success, not just their own. We were divided out into small groups/pods, and that’s where the community building intensified. My pod chatted through slack and on text, we helped each other problem solve in real time, celebrated wins, and the 4 of us walked side by side through some really challenging personal life stuff. Elena has a way of matching people, and gathering individuals who help everyone level up. Its not just about business, but about a community that will walk alongside you through real life stuff, and also encourage your art and business at the same time.

What are some changes or improvements that you have seen in your business since joining and completing the mastermind?

I moved to a completely new state (half way across the country) the week our mastermind started. With the mastermind not only has my confidence grown, but I more than doubled my prices, ran a successful fine art mini session for the first time, and more than doubled my earnings in the 6 months after moving!

What are some changes or improvements that you have seen in your habits, lifestyle, confidence, and spirituality that you have seen in yourself since joining and completing the mastermind?

The focus on whole person growth is really wonderful in this mastermind. I loved the mindset work, and use it regularly to recenter myself, and get focused on what’s important. I find that I’m using many of the techniques not only for my business but for my relationships. I’m more intentional about my communication with my husband, I’m self evaluating and knowing when I need to ask for help or take breaks. I know that the success in my business is not just up to “what will be will be” but it up to me.


How would you describe the retreat experience.

After spending 6 months weekly seeing all my cohort’s lovely faces online, meeting everyone in person was the topping on the cake! It was so refreshing to be in a group of women who are unapologetically themselves. Women from all walks of life, all over the country and world coming together to encourage, hype up, and get creative together. Having Canon there was incredible. Being able to get my hands on cameras and lenses I had been dying to try out, getting to play and use them both days was a photographer’s dream. Then the speakers. Whew! Elena always says that she’s not looking to make carbon copies of herself, and it shows with who she invites to join her on retreats. Our speakers Brooke Schultz and Bridget Wood were family photographers, like Elena, but each of them take a different approach to photographing families. Being able to watch them work through a family session, learn more ways to direct and photograph families was inspiring. I would classify the whole weekend as expanding. Being introduced to more ideas, more ways to manage my time as a mom and as a business owner, challenging ways to photograph other people, deeper connections with members of my cohort and with alumni. I left the retreat wishing it was longer, and feeling incredibly inspired.

What would you tell someone to help them take the leap and join the Mastermind? What words of encouragement do you think they need?

I too had a hard time thinking about investing in the mastermind, I had previously only purchased classes on sale or ones that were lower costs. The amount of value you get from this mastermind is worth more than the price. To have a group of 30ish other photographers who have insight and advice to give and to have Elena who shares so freely with her mastermind students is 100% worth it. Using the tools given you’ll make up the cost, I was hopeful that I would and I was able to pay for the mastermind from my newly moved business! You are worth the investment, your business is worth the investment. If you want to grow, find community, and develop life long supportive friendships, the cost will be worth it!

What are you working on right now? What is something that you are excited about in your life and biz? 

Right now we’re preparing for another move! I’m thrilled to be working through the logistics of moving my business, establishing myself in a new community, and helping mothers see their intrinsic value, and families experience genuine connection through photography.

Anything else you want to share?

I’m eternally grateful for this experience, for the growth and confidence I’ve come into by being a part of Elena’s mastermind. I’m still relatively new to this endeavor, but I know I can have a business that is fulfilling, works for me on my terms, and allows me to have the schedule and life I want.

You can view more work by Krista Buresh at her website www.kristabureshphotography.com and on social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook.

If you are a photographer who is looking to level up and transform your business and mindset to achieve your goals, you are invited to apply to be in the next Cohort of the Elena S Blair Mastermind. You can join the waitlist to be notified when applications are live and being accepted. Don’t miss this opportunity to create life long community, the business of your dreams and the confidence to be authentically you.

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