Three Quick Ways To Update Your Photography Portfolio To Increase Your Bookings | Elena S Blair Education

During the winter months it is super easy to get discouraged. Fewer inquires are coming in and you may be wondering how you are going to keep your photography business alive.

Slow season is real for Photographers. {I wrote an article on how to eliminate slow season that you can see HERE.}

But, one of the benefits of having less shoots is that you now have more time to work on other parts of your business that are very important.

One of those things is your online presence. Your website and portfolio should always be in tip top shape.

The quality of your online portfolio directly effects the amount of bookings that you get. When a potential client is led to your website they need to immediately know exactly what you do. If they are at all confused they may go elsewhere.

I am going to share with you three quick tips to update your portfolio right now in order to maximize your bookings.

I made a Facebook Live Video sharing these three tips that you can watch HERE.

If you prefer to listen, you can pop those ear pods in and listen to the episode by hitting play below. I am happy to come along with you on your daily walk, in the carpool, or while you cook dinner. Multi task, Mama!

  1. Think about how you can simplify. I often see photographers with way to many portfolio categories. For example… a family photographer who separates Family, Babies, Children, Newborns, Head Shots, etc. Having too many categories confuses potential clients because they simply don’t know what you do. Think about how you can simplify to create clarity. A Family Portfolio can include babies, children, and teens. A Newborn Portfolio can include newborn and fresh 48. Newborn and Maternity can be combined. You want it to be very clear what you offer so your potential client knows exactly what they are going to get.

  2. Take out any photographs that aren’t your absolute best work. I see so many photographers include work in their portfolio that isn’t up to par with the portfolio as a whole. Take your attachments to certain photographs away and get rid of anything that isn’t your BEST WORK. There is no reason you should have work in your portfolio that isn’t your best. It is better to have less that are excellent than many that are mediocre.

  3. Add 5-10 new images to each portfolio. Google likes when your website is a living, breathing, and evolving organism. It is good to update as your work improves. I like to go to my ShootProof archives and download the images I want to add. This saves me from needing to dig up hard drives and allows me to quickly add them. This tip is especially important if you are a “newer” photographer and your work is evolving and changing noticeably.

It is your job to keep your web presence up to date. I know it can be hard to do, but set aside a few hours of your time to make these quick and easy updates. Your inbox will thank you when it starts filling with inquires from potential clients who want exactly what you are offering.


I am offering Portfolio Reviews for a select number of applicants.

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