What are you doing about resistance? | February connection book club discussion with Elena S Blair

As a creative entrepreneur it is crucial that we work on personal development.

Time is our most valuable currency. So it is crucial that you re using your time wisely. Netflix and chill is fine once and a while as long as you are also spending adequate time on personal development.

I have committed myself to reading one book on business or personal development a month this year. When I say reading, I mean listening to an audio book. Why? Because I truly like to maximize my time.

I am a single mom to three kids. I run a mini empire AND i have a pretty active social life. So don’t tell me you don’t have time. 😉

This is the perfect segue into this books main focus. In February we read The War Of Art by by Steven Pressfield. So much of what he spoke of in the terms of resistance resonated so deeply with me. So often when we are on the verge of a major breakthrough we feel great resistance. And for many of us, me in particular that manifests as procrastination. Instead of leaning into the resistance we avoid it because sometimes we are actually afraid of success.

I recorded a Connected To You Episode that is an in depth discussion on this topic. So pop your ear buds in and have a listen. When you are done, me know in the comments what you think. Lets start a conversation.

I found a pretty cool interview Oprah did with Steven Pressfield that I think you will enjoy!

Now ask yourself these questions. Take the time to journal your answers and discuss them with your peers.:

  1. Where are you meeting resistance in your photography or journey as an entrepreneur?

  2. How does that resistance feel inside your body and in your mind?

  3. What daily practices can you implement to overcome resistance?

I hope you will join our March Book Club book! I am really excited about this one!

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