Elena S Blair
Hey you. Are you looking for a healthy way to approach the sheer volume of photography advice out there (all kinds of advice, really)? Everything will become clearer when you make this your mantra: not all advice is for you. Sit with that for a minute. How does it feel? Maybe you’re wondering what the […]
Pricing can be a stressful experience for Photographers. With so many factors to consider, like your level of experience, your time investment, your clients’ needs, what other photographers in your market are charging — you might be tempted to set your rates on the low end while you build up a following. And chances are, you’ll […]
I had a birthday last week, I turned 38. Everyone says when I turn 40 I won’t feel like this BUT, at this point in my late 30’s I can say with complete certainty that I would never go back to being younger. I would take every wrinkle, every grey hair, every stretch mark, every […]
I don’t know about you but this past few months has both gone by fast as lightning and slow as molasses. What I keep coming back to is how magnificent it is that our entire planet experienced the same thing at once AND that we came together to protect humanity. How beautiful. And what’s more […]
I interviewed New York photographer Katie Cassara earlier this month about her success since taking my online course Schooled. Schooled: The Complete Guide to Fine Art School Photography teaches photographers around the world the ins and outs of fine art school photography and how to add school portraits to your business offerings. I wasn’t too […]
One of the biggest benefits of adding Fine Art School Portraits to your wheelhouse is being able to create income during the slow periods. Grab the FREE Fine Art School Portrait Guide now For us family photographers, that slow period starts during the winter months and usually extends through Spring, and it can be brutal. […]
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